Frequently asked questions

Approximately 10 business days.

Between 3-5 business days.

Mexican Republic, United States, Europe.

We will notify you of the status of your order via email.

In most cases, customs or import fees are charged once the order reaches its destination

Visa, Mastercard.

In the event that an item is defective or damaged when you receive it, please contact us at within 10 days of the date you received it. In the email you send us,
please include a picture and description of the defect / damage and we will arrange a return
or replacement item for you.

The satisfaction of our clients is extremely important for us.

Our bags are made with natural materials, we recommend not to overload so that it keeps
its original form, if your bag has shells or Swarovski applications we suggest to handle it with
care and always keep it in its dust cover.

Our bags are high quality and we want them to last forever! If it gets damaged, you can
contact us at and if possible, send it to the workshop to repair it. * An
additional cost may apply.

Our palm bags are made by women from the Sierra de Guerrero and handcrafted by
Mexican women.

Our bags are made of palm, embroidered, painted and intervened by hand with Swarovski
applications, raffia, fabrics, crystals, etc.